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Compass provides a range of coaching, mentoring, counseling, and debriefing services to missionaries and their families. Apply here to schedule a session online or in person or to learn more.

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MK Coaching and Mentoring

Compass leads a community of college-aged MKs in the Tampa Bay Area, Florida where trained mentors guide MKs through the process of cultural adaptation and the challenges of launching into adulthood.

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Individual Counseling

Often the stresses of cross-cultural ministry bring out emotional difficulties for an individual. It is difficult to talk about depression, anxiety or interpersonal challenges with the missionary’s sending church or their mission agency. Compass provides a neutral, confidential and safe environment to find healing for these emotional challenges. Counseling is available online and in person.

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Marital Counseling

Sometimes, a married couple needs a third party to listen and help them sort out the issues in their relationship. Missionary couples are no different in this respect than anyone else. A pastoral counselor at Compass Ministries is available to provide sensitive, confidential help online or in person.

Individual Debriefing

A two-day process beginning with structured exercises to help an individual reflect on their experiences of the recent past, and concluding with an opportunity for the individual to tell their story to someone who will listen carefully, confidentially, and without judgment. The goal is for the individual to integrate the various aspects of their experience into a cohesive whole, and to see God’s hand at work in that experience. Debriefing is available online and in person.

Family Debriefing

Similar to Individual Debriefing except that developmentally appropriate activities are included to help children understand the process of transition and to reflect upon their own experiences. It also gives the children in the family an opportunity to reflect on and validate their unique experiences. Debriefing is available online and in person.

Residential Community and Counseling for College-Aged MK Women

Ruth House is our transition home for college-aged MK women who would like to live in community with other MK women and receive instruction and mentoring in life skills. Woman MKs who are experiencing debilitating emotional issues can receive additional counseling.

Child Counseling

A trained play therapist counsels children in our specially equipped play therapy room. Young children (ages 3-10) who are experiencing distress due to transitions, trauma, loss or just the common experiences of childhood often experience healing through communicating their troubles through play.

Play Therapy Training for Parents

A trained play therapist provides parents a 10-session training program in play therapy for their children. This is a great skill for missionary parents to have for their child when they are in the mission field.

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