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Image by Kody Cheyne

Making Tampa Bay a Welcoming Place for Missionary Families

What is Compass?

Compass Ministries is dedicated to providing quality counseling and support services to missionaries and their families. Our counselors understand the unique challenges of living in a missionary setting and are passionate about helping Christian Global Workers and their families navigate those challenges.  We offer our services at the lowest cost or free, depending on the individual's needs. Our mission is to offer hope and healing to those who need it most and support them in every stage of their missionary journey.

How You Can Help

To keep our services to Missionary families at the lowest cost or free, we rely on your financial partnership. Our part is to provide the best quality care to those who are active in the frontlines, as well as those who finished their term. We do this by maintaining seasoned Counselors, Coaches and Spiritual Directors in our team, operate at the lowest overhead cost as possible, and use alternative revenue streams to keep our programs running. Will you be a Compass Ministries friend and partner with us to help keep Missionary families be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually effective in the field and at home?

Ruth House Accepting Applications

Compass Ministries welcomes women missionary kids (MKs) into the Ruth House program to start July 1st, 2025.

Red Shack Back To School Sale

We have the gift your teacher would love to receive! Our second hand store is the one stop shop for all your non-essentials back to school needs.

Raise Right

Buy gift cards and support Compass at no extra charge to you. More than 750 brands offered.

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+Compass Homegroup

Our Spring semester is set to start on January 15th! Join us to learn how we can start to live out of the heart that Jesus gave us.

Thank You To Our Corporate Sponsors

Best Roofers of Tampa Bay
EPC Church in Carrollwood
Christian Counseling

"I appreciated having 'third party' people to debrief that were not from my missions org or supporting church. Thank you very much for your heart to serve missionaries in transition."

- M.M., missionary to the Middle East

"Their ministry to us became weaved into the broader story of God's healing of our family in areas we were unaware of any need. They have a unique calling to fill a scarcely met need of missionaries - emotional and psychological support."  

- A Missionary

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