"There was a body on the ground, and a car smashed into a telephone pole. Electrical wires were dangling dangerously from above. Four teenagers were walking around dazed and bleeding...In a split second, I had to choose. "
Was I going to get involved? Do I pass by and stay in my comfortable world?
There was a body on the ground, and a car smashed into a telephone pole. Electrical wires were dangling dangerously from above. Four teenagers were walking around dazed and bleeding. One was lying in the middle of the road, unable to process what had happened. No emergency personnel were present. I decided to pull over and offer help. I chose to get involved. I stopped my car and ran to assist those who had just endured a horrific car crash. I felt poorly equipped for this situation and prayed for God to guide my steps. To my surprise, I recognized the boys – my own son’s friends – who had just skirted death. I prayed for each of the boys, hugged them, and calmed them until the emergency personnel arrived. That night I cried tears for these young men and my trauma from what we had all experienced. My heart was deeply impacted by this traumatic accident. I chose to get involved. And I would do it again.
Why? Because I follow a Savior who also chose to get involved.
Jesus left his home in Heaven, to humble Himself on this earth. He chose to get involved in the lives of the sick, the needy, the sinners. He entered into ugly situations - touching the leper and healing the bleeding woman. He entered into the mother’s grief who lost her child. He got dirty and bloody. He spent time with the sinners and those who were sinking in shame. He offered love and hope to the hurting. When the Pharisees questioned Jesus for spending time with tax collectors and sinners, Jesus replied, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Mark 2:17 Jesus chose to get involved. Compass Ministries also chooses to get involved.
We get requests from cross-cultural ministry workers who are in pain, struggling, and need support daily. Some struggle with traumatic events, and some struggle with difficult histories with their families. Some are struggling with sin issues; some struggle with relationship issues. Some are serving in very difficult countries where persecution and hardship are around every corner. These very strong individuals are sometimes discouraged and wonder where God is moving. We receive these requests for help and we choose to get involved.
Compass Ministries gets involved in the lives of missionaries and their families in a variety of ways. For those who need a safe place to share their overseas story – we offer Debriefings. For those who need help moving forward with life goals, we offer Coaching. For those who need godly support and counsel, we offer Pastoral Counseling. For those who need intervention with deeper emotional issues, we offer Clinical Counseling. For those who need help processing their losses in life, or struggle with sin, we offer Groups. For those who want to hang out with others and do life together, we offer Community Events through +Compass.
A choice to get involved in the lives of others is a choice to help carry their burden. Ecclesiastes 4:9 says that “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” Two are better than one. We need the help of others to carry us when we fall. We need others to help carry our burdens.
You can also get involved. You can pray for missionaries around the world and their children. You can pray for Compass Ministries to have wisdom in how to care for these precious individuals. You can give financially. You can also stop and help those who you meet on the road and share love with them.
Be like Jesus and CHOOSE to get involved.
He came that “we might have life and have it to the full.”
John 10:10.
He entered into ugly situations - touching the leper, and healing the bleeding woman. He got dirty and bloody and yet chose to love and offer to heal. He entered into the mother’s grief who lost her child. He spent time with the sinners and those who were sinking in shame. He offered love and hope to the hurting. Compass Ministries also chooses to get involved.
The Care Staff of Compass every day choose to get involved in the pain of strangers, to carry their trauma with them, to shoulder their burdens. By offering coaching, counseling, and debriefings, we offer our hearts and ears to hear the
often difficult stories of others.